რჩეული პროდუქცია
Tina Ivelashvili - Rituals and Toasts of Traditional Georgian Feast
Academic Book Publishing, 2024
The Georgian traditional feast held a unique place in Georgian culture, offering insights into historical, cultural, and social aspects of the community. The study of these feasts, including their etiquette, chronological variations, and interaction with other cultures, contributes to the understanding of cultural-historical relationships and mutual influences between Georgian ethnic groups and their neighbors. The traditional feast served as a means of moral and spiritual education, uniting families and communities while preserving cherished traditions.
Chapter 1. Rules for Daily Meals
Table for lunch and afternoon tea11
Dinner 2
Wedding drinks and the order of their reception 4
A toastmaster and his functions 31
Sequence of toasts and accompanying songs 3
Chapter 3: Guidelines for the Funeral Table 4
The Table on the Seventh Day 6
The Fortieth-Day Table
თინა იველაშვილი - ტრადიციული ხალხური სამზარეულო სამცხე-ჯავახეთში
30.00 GEL
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