რჩეული პროდუქცია
Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani - The Wisdom and the Lies
Translated by Sir Oliver Wardrop
Academic Book Publishing, 2018, 154 p.
ISBN: 978-9941-9616-7-0
About the edition
The presented edition of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani's "Book of Wisdom and Lies" is a reprint of Sir Oliver Wardrop's translation that he published in 1894. The publisher was William Morris at the Jelmscott Press, in the County of Middlesex.
The idea of republishing of this book was born, because it was Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani's 360th anniversary in 2018 and Georgia dedicated this year to his commemoration. There were made several editions in Georgian, including illustrated edition, by Nino Gambashidze, together with Academic Book Publishing (acad.ge). The international community expressed their interest to get familiar to this author, and in particular with this text. To meet this interest we decided to publish this translation with minor corrections, such as:
1. changing 2nd person singular (thou) into 2nd person plural (you);
2. changing symbol & with conjunction "and";
3. making more paragraphs, then they were done in existing publication, e.g. distinguishing dialogues.
On edition of the text worked Maya Gambashidze and Nino Gambashidze, and the
students of Guivi Zaldastanishvili American Academy in Tbilisi: Sopo Kevlishvili, Ana
Zamtaradze, Ana Kostava and Giorgi Iashvili.
About the design of the book worked Giorgi Kakabadze, who tried to bring the visual side of the
text closer to modern reader.
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