რჩეული პროდუქცია
Shu Uchida - Seeking Sustainable Peace in Georgia: Diplomacy, the Political Legacy, and the Sovereignty of the People 1991-2016
Academic Book Publishing, 2018, 170 p.
ISBN: 9789941961687
Dr. Uchida conducts research on conflict-related and political issues in Georgia and its peripheral regions including Ukraine and the Baltic States.
He has spent the last decade working for the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies of Harvard University as a visiting fellow, the Center of Social Studies of Coimbra University as an European Union Marie Curie Fellow, the Embassies of Japan in Georgia as an attaché, the OSCE/ODIHR Presidential Election Observer Mission in Georgia as an international monitor, the Japan International Development Agency (JICA) Headquarters and Sierra Leone Field Office as a project formulation adviser, and other institutions.
He has received a doctorate in International Public Policy from Osaka University, Japan. He also received M.A. in International Peace Studies from the department of Peace and Conflict Studies, the United Nations mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica.
Table of Contents
Acronyms i
Introduction 1
Ⅰ. Introduction of the Research: Objectives, Relevance, and Specific Contribution to the State of the Art…..1
Ⅱ. Research Question…..5
Ⅲ. Methodology…..10
Chapter 1. Literature Review, Theories, and Framework of the Research: Political and Societal Dimensions 14
Chapter 2. Why Did the Armed Conflicts in Georgia Occur/Resurge in 2008? 29
2-1. (Unit Level Analysis) Conflicts between Georgia and Russian Federation…..32
2-1-1. Escalation between Georgia and Russian Federation before 2008…..32
2-1-2. Escalation between Georgia and Russian Federation in 2008…..33
2-2. (Sub-International Level Analysis) The Small Power in the Post-Soviet Space between the European Union and Russian Federation: A Tag of War between the West and Russian Federation over Georgia…..36
2-2-1. Independence of Republic of Kosovo in February, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Bucharest Summit in April, and the War in August 2008…..36
2-2-2.The European Union, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and United Nation’s Influence over Georgia vis-à-vis Russian Federation’s Concern…..38
2-2-3. Escalation and Failures of Diplomacy in 2008…..41
2-3. Political Volatility of Georgia…..44
2-3-1. Georgian Political Institutions and Constitution…..44
Chapter 3. How Have Georgian Politics and Society Transformed after the 2008 War for Achieving Sustainable Peace? 54
3-1. (Georgian Politics) Analysis of the Transition Process toward Peace in Georgia amidst Power Struggles: Internal Affairs 2011-2013…..54
3-1-1. Protest Rally organized by Burjanadze…..57
3-1-2. Bidzina Ivanishvili…..60
3-1-2-A. Ivanishvili’s Georgian Dream…..62
3-1-2-B. Outright Clashes between Saakashvili and Ivanishvili: The Issue of Ivanishvili’s Citizenship, Fines imposed on Ivanishvili, and Their Foreign Policies…..65
3-1-2-C. Government Pressure on the Media…..73
3-1-3. Georgian Election Code, Feedbacks from the Venice Commission and the United Nations on the Code, and Pre-Election Environment…..76
3-1-4. Public Survey and Video Footage on Inhuman Treatment of Inmates…..79
3-1-5. After the Parliamentary Election in Georgia in 2012…..82
3-2. (Georgian Society) Social Vulnerability of Georgia: Internally Displaced Persons…..88
3-2-1. Eviction…..90
3-2-2. Old Internally Displaced Persons…..91
3-2-3. Interviews with Internally Displaced Persons…..92
Chapter 4. Breakaway Regions in Georgia, and Russian Federation 104
4-1. Protracted Conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia with Moscow’s Support…..104
4-1-1. Abkhazia…..104
4-1-2. South Ossetia…..106
4-1-3. Moscow’s Stance…..109
Chapter 5. How Have International Politics and Society Transformed after the 2008 War for Achieving Sustainable Peace in Georgia? 112
5-1. The Results of Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy Ⅰ…..112
5-1-1. The European Union, the United States of America, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization…..112
5-1-1-A. The Visit of President of French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy to Georgia in October 2011….112
5-1-1-B. The Summit Meeting between President Saakashvili and President Obama in January 2012…..115
5-1-1-C. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Chicago Summit and Internal Politics in Georgia…..119
5-1-1-D. Visit of the Secretary of State of the United States of America Hilary Clinton to Georgia in June 2012 before the Parliamentary Election…..121
5-1-1-E. The Security Situation in Georgia before the Election: Allegation by Alasania and vis-à-vis Russian Federation…..129
5-1-1-F. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization after the Parliamentary Election in Georgia in 2012…..136
5-2. The Results of Bilateral and Multilateral Diplomacy Ⅱ…..140
5-2-1. The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia, the Geneva International Discussions, the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism, and the Karasin- Abashidze Dialogues…..140
5-2-1-A. Enhancing the Effectiveness of the European Union’s Mission in Georgia…..140
5-2-1-B. Geneva International Discussions and Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism…..144
5-2-1-C. The Karasin- Abashidze Dialogues…..146
Conclusion 150
Bibliography 163
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